Saturday, October 20, 2018

Blog #5: Fresh

Have you wondered where your food is coming from? I never have. I always knew that it was from animals, but I never wondered about the process. After watching Fresh, I realized how disturbing it actually it. It's even sad. There were baby chicks being thrown to the ground like if they're not a living thing. They were extremely mistreated. It made me sad watching that. 

Image result for baby chicks
Look at these innocent chicks!
The film is trying to convey you to shift your point of view for a different future in the productivity of foods. They want people to stop agreeing with chemicals, just because it cheap and produces 3 times faster. 

There is proof of hoe bad this can be. It involves  e coli (what is e coli) and mad cow. These two are terrible diseases that come from the chemicals. They call it the magic drug. How terrible! To some it works wonders, but it is nothing but negative that comes from our industrial culture. 

People just have to take care of the grass, because that also means taking care of the animal. Yes, organic foods cost more, but they are more healthier and authentic. Meaning they are worth way more than that cheaper stuff. 

I enjoyed watching the film, it taught me more about what goes on behind making food. This film is significant because it educates people about the harm. I believe everyone should worry, but I will leave that up to you.  

                                           Signing off, 
                                                            Yulleisi Rojas
Image result for e coli


  1. Do you now think your going to switch to organic food after watching Fresh? Or stick to the cheap stuff?

  2. I sent a comment, but I’m not sure it posted. I was thinking the same after watching the video. It was sad to hear about the animals, but ever since I have been thinking about everything I eat. It’s good to purchase Organic regardless, of price and I wish more people knew about that option.
