Sunday, December 9, 2018

Blog #10: This Year

I was thinking of a possible topic to discuss. And I decided to talk about what I learned this year. The year is about to be over, and I am happy and sad all at the same time.

This year has taught me so many things. Here are 3 things I learned, I hope you can relate.  Here is also a website you can check out with more information on lessons learned. Learned Lessons

First I learned that it is not selfish to put yourself first. Sadly, I used to put everyone before me. I never really took care of me until this year slapped me in the face and made me realize I am not being selfish. Honestly after doing this, I became more happier with myself and my surroundings.

 This year also taught me that you lose people and gain people. Now I know that not everyone you meet, will stay. It is sad, but it is only the truth. People will always walk away from your life, even when you least expect it.
Image result for sad
I also learn to live life. You can't always be worrying about how things will turn out. You never know what can happen. The best way to spend your time is by the people you adore most. 

Yes, life is hard. And sometimes we face hardships. But we can grow and learn from them. I look back and realize these things are meant to happen. I could never explain how thankful I am for another year and to all the lessons I learned. I feel like I've become more careful but in a good way. You should too! Take care,
Yulleisi Rojas xoxo

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Blog #9: The End

It's almost here! The end of a long semester. Before I started college, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I didn't know if it was going to be too much. I think that's what I was afraid of, I wanted to still live life. Surprisingly I was able to do my everyday things even while attending college. I was able to balance work and time with family. I am going to give you some tips for next semester to help you stay connected with friends and family even if you're in college.

Tip #1: Make sure you do the homework right away! If you complete the homework before it's due, you'll be able to make time for friends and family.

Tip #2: Do not go out until you know your homework is done. If you're out having fun, but have not completed assignments that are due the next day, you won't have fun. You'll be too busy thinking about all the homework that you let pile up.

Tip #3: Plan! If you buy a planner and set times and days where you'll do homework, you'll be more likely to complete it.

Tip #4: Do not leave things for last minute. This will only make you stress more. We do not want that.

Being able to balance everything, made me realize that I can do well in college. I don't really fear the future. Here are 99 more tips (99 Tips ) . I think I am going to get through college fine if I continue to follow these tips. 

Thank you for reading, How to Succeed in College
                          Yulleisi Rojas

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Blog #8: When Taking a test.

When it comes to test, people can get very anxious. That is very common. Especially when a student wants to do good on that test.

From personal experience, I get extremely anxious that is why this blog will be providing you with information on how to take a test and lower your anxiety level.

First, make sure you attend class so that you know all possible information on the test. By attending class you will be greatly benefited because the teacher will explain things better for the test. Second of all distribute practice. Meaning you break the learned material into small parts then study frequently. By doing this you will move the information to your long term memory and you’ll do good on your test. Third of all, find a studying method that’s works for you. It can be many things, flash cards, a mind map, or highlighting key points in your notes. Another good tip is to predict the questions. This can be easy if your teacher provides you a review. You’ll be more likely to score good in your test, if you have an idea of what can be on it. Although test anxiety sounds horrible, it can be a good thing. It can be a good thing because it can cause motivation to prepare and do good on your test. If you are well prepared, your anxiety level will go down. Also if you take deep breaths and get a good night sleep, this will help you out extremely. Finally, do not cram your studying! That will cause you to stress out about the test.

Here is a website that give you more test taking tips Test Taking Kids Health
Hopefully this has helped you in your test taking adventures.
       Signing off,
              Yulleisi Rojas

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Blog #7: Antibiotics

Image result for pictures against antibiotics cows

Antibiotics are everywhere according to this picture. They even feed them to cows. This is a big no no! 

It is a big no no, because many things can go wrong. One thing that can go wrong would be infections. The cows can develop infections, and they can be transferred to any worker. This even hurts humans. 

Another terrible thing would be mad cow. "Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy(BSE), is a transmissible, slowly progressive, degenerative, and fatal disease affecting the central nervous system of adult cattle." Mad Cow < Here is the website where I found this information. 

In conclusion, antibiotics are terrible. They only cause hardships in the food industry. Many cows and people are being affected because they eat that meat. 
            Signing off,
                         Yulleisi Rojas

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Blog #6: Animal Cruelty

Do you know what animal cruelty is?

 According to the internet animal cruelty is "The infliction by omission (animal neglect) or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human." Animal Cruelty

Animal abuse is extremely sad! Animals are living things, just like we are. You know the number of animal cruelty raises every single day. That is frightening. It happens everywhere, including urban and rural areas. Although it can happen to any animal, statistics shows that it is more common in dogs, cats, and horses. These are possible house pets. How could a human hurt another living thing? It is certainly not okay to abuse an animal. Animals are loving and caring when treated correctly. 
  Picture There are websites you can get on and find out more information. ( now this pie chart shows enough. People should do anything to prevent any type of abuse toward animals. Please be kind to your pets. 
    Signing off,
                           Yulleisi Rojas 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Blog #5: Fresh

Have you wondered where your food is coming from? I never have. I always knew that it was from animals, but I never wondered about the process. After watching Fresh, I realized how disturbing it actually it. It's even sad. There were baby chicks being thrown to the ground like if they're not a living thing. They were extremely mistreated. It made me sad watching that. 

Image result for baby chicks
Look at these innocent chicks!
The film is trying to convey you to shift your point of view for a different future in the productivity of foods. They want people to stop agreeing with chemicals, just because it cheap and produces 3 times faster. 

There is proof of hoe bad this can be. It involves  e coli (what is e coli) and mad cow. These two are terrible diseases that come from the chemicals. They call it the magic drug. How terrible! To some it works wonders, but it is nothing but negative that comes from our industrial culture. 

People just have to take care of the grass, because that also means taking care of the animal. Yes, organic foods cost more, but they are more healthier and authentic. Meaning they are worth way more than that cheaper stuff. 

I enjoyed watching the film, it taught me more about what goes on behind making food. This film is significant because it educates people about the harm. I believe everyone should worry, but I will leave that up to you.  

                                           Signing off, 
                                                            Yulleisi Rojas
Image result for e coli

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Blog #4: Suck at organizing?

Have you ever wanted to be productive but you can't because things aren't in order?
Well there is an easy fix for that. There will be 6 steps to keep things organized in your life.
Yes, people live busy lives. They will eventually forget something they had planned throughout
the day. Instead of being disappointed, let's look at these 6 steps to help you be organized.

# 1 : You need to buy a planner, so you can begin writing what you need to have done throughout
the day.

# 2 :  Make a schedule! There is nothing like a well prepared day with a planner. If you plan out
what you want to accomplish in your day. Write down what you need to do and what time it should be done.
Make sure to write down deadlines; therefore you will not turn anything late.
# 3 : Make goals, you will be more motivated to get things done. After reaching
your goals, award yourself for getting things done.

# 4 : A big one is do not procrastinate!!! If you leave everything for last minute,
you are bound to miss some deadlines. That is not a good feeling to feel,
you will feel like you didn’t get anything done.  
# 5 : Color code things. In college, you want to make sure you
can identify your different courses. Maybe make one class orange,
then in your planner whenever you have an important reminder for
that course stick an orange note. You will be able to recognize what class it is for.
# 6 :  Also buy some cheap folders, in different colors, and put your courses names.
Keep all your papers from different classes in the correct folder.

By staying organized you will be able to do better in school. You will also feel motivated
because everything will be nice and neat. I know after a long day of school, I enjoy doing
my homework by having everything organized, resulting in right through all my assignments
and checking them off when they’re done. An example of me rewarding myself after all my
work is done is watching TV and relaxing before I go to sleep. A YouTube video
that can help you keep your notes organized:
        Signing off,
                       Yulleisi Rojas

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Blog #3: Social Media

Image result for instagram logoSocial media is everywhere. But hardly do you ever see people speaking about how likes are everything. It just happens. 😅 

People usually post pictures for likes. Specifically younger people, such as teenagers. From the podcast Status Update, 3 girls talk about posting a picture and getting a lot of likes, it makes them feel better about themselves. These teens read comments such as, "you're so pretty" and "Gorgeous😍." The wording is same almost all the time, meaning you see the same phrases over and over. This is even more true, if the comment is coming from someone they know, like a close friend. According to the podcast, parent's opinions are very clear, that they think it is stupid that their kids are getting all these comments from people who like to complement. 

    I believe this is true, especially in young people. They tend to stick to social media as a way to feel better about themselves, when in real life they don't get the same attention. As a parent, I believe I would react the same way. I would think it is stupid that these teenagers are getting complements from multiple people. Why would they need those comments? In a way I can relate, because when I was younger, I would like the attention from my close friends and family members telling me I looked good in a picture. But now a days, I don't even have social media to post because I know that I don't need those comments to feel good. The podcast also mentions "unspoken rules everyone knows to follow." These rules do some how exist, because I used to follow them when I was in middle school, and now my younger brother follows them. He will post a picture and wait to see how many likes he gets. He also enjoys the comments when people are complementing him.  

      This podcast does give what I believe accurate entail about today's society. Some people do feel good about themselves because of social media. It's also apart of their lives because they're always on Instagram, Facebook, or twitter. So there is always going to be engagement between teenagers and social media.  

 Related image

“Focus on how to be social, not on how to do social.”
Jay Baer, Convince & Convert\
Signing off, 
        Yulleisi Rojas 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Blog #2: Drawing

Many people think taking an art class is boring. They only think this because they are afraid that they don't know how to draw. From experience, it just takes practice. 

I am going to give a few steps to better your drawing skills and confidence!

1. Know What You're Drawing
Make sure you've decided on what you are going to draw. Decide, then find a picture of it on Google Images. Look at the picture and study it. Look at the shape of the object and the lines. 

2. Begin The Drawing
Start to draw the object, but really look at what you're drawing. You might erase a lot but that is okay. it will not look exactly like the picture from Google at first. 

3. Practice
People do not really know this, but it just takes practice. If you repeat drawing the same thing over and over again, you will get good at it. In the process you'll realize that, that is not the only thing you can draw. Draw as much as you can. 

4. Take Breaks
Make sure if you're getting frustrated while drawing because one thing is not coming out right that you take a break from it. Because if you're pushing yourself to draw this one part of the picture it will not help you at all. 

5. Get Help
If you still can't get a drawing to get the way you want it to look like, search up the steps to draw that object. You can either find the steps on Google or YouTube.  This is not considered cheating, drawing can be overwhelming. Especially if you practice the same thing over again. Searching the steps to draw an object can show you what part of the object you're not able to draw. In the future you'll know how to draw that part without redoing and redoing or searching it up. 

I've made these steps up from my personal experience. If they don't fully work for you here is a video on it to hopefully explain more. 

Here are examples of practicing overtime
Image result for before and after drawingsImage result for before and after drawings

I hope this as helped in some type of way!

      Signing off,
                    Yulleisi Rojas 

Blog #1 : What are blogs?

Before reading about blogs and making my own, I had no clue what they were. They're actually fun to read and to find out other's lives is interesting. 

 Here is a solid definition of a blog 
  1. 1.
    a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

I read about 6 blogs. Most of them were interesting in their own way. There are 3 that I focused on. 

What’s the One Skill that Separates Well-Paid Freelance Writers from Those Who Struggle?

I enjoyed scrolling through and reading this blog. This blog talks about how to be a better writer. It gives advice and tips to be better. For example she encourages to get to know your topic more everyday. I like this blog because it helps me make my blog better when I am writing about what ever topic I'm going to talk about. 

2. The Importance of Saving
This blog was another one I liked to read and look at. This blog gives excellent information about saving. The way the blog gives us the information makes you realize you can relate. It describes scenarios where you go, oh yeah this is me, this is a real life experience. It also gives you a goal, then it provides steps on how to reach that goal. The set up is very easy, not confusing at all. It can help me with my blog because it gives a good idea of how to organize my blog. 

 Although the set up of this blog is pretty and colorful, it does not catch my attention because of it's topic. I wouldn't say it was torture reading the blog, but I did not enjoy it. She is talking about furniture, which I probably won't be buying for a few years. But she does provide information on where to find the furniture she is using. She also talks about to the places she has moved to, they are interesting but her wording makes it boring in a way. I am not the correct reader for her blog in other words. 

 Blogs are fun to read! I enjoyed fishing through blogs finding ones the intrigue me. For today I am done.
                  Signing off, 
                                Yulleisi Rojas 

Monday, September 10, 2018


Hello! My name is Yulleisi Rojas! I’ve lived in Arizona my entire life, although it is extremely hot here, I love it! I’m 18 years old, but I have the mentality of a 6 year old. I have 2 brothers, one is Junior, the other is Nathan. Junior is 16, and he can’t stand me. On the other hand, Nathan adores me just like I adore him. Nathan is 3 years old, but he is a smart little kid.
                                                             Look at my little boy!

                                         Here's a rare picture of Junior having his arm around me

On my free time I enjoy spending time with Nathan and my friends. The funny thing is, Nathan is already friends with my friends. I also enjoy drawing when I’m on my own. Drawing helps me relax during a stressful moment. Here is a video on painting, I tried to paint but did not succeed, hopefully you can. 

My ultimate goal in life is to find happiness by helping others. Yes it's a bit cheesy, but ever since I was small it has been my dream to help others out. That is why I want to be a teacher, I want to teach young adults something that they will find useful in their life. I believe by being a teacher I can make a difference. 

                                                 Signing off,
                                                              Yulleisi Rojas